¡Tómala! Corrupt cops get busted trying to implement new tobacco law. Pitillal riverside path will be extended to the beach. Charro Festival leaves behind much appreciated revenue. January was a violent month for our state. PLUS: Guadalajara’s Festival of Light is back.
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From today’s broadcast:
Local cops get busted after attempting to extort tourists. https://contralinea.net/confirman-extorsion-de-policias-a-turistas-por-fumar-tabaco-en-la-playa/
Local businesses seek federal protection against new anti-tobacco laws. https://vallartaopina.net/negocios-recurriran-al-amparo-federal-por-la-prohibicion-de-fumar/
Marina Vallarta residents grumble against ‘reserved parking’ signs. https://contralinea.net/rechaza-asociacion-de-residente-de-marina-vallarta-dar-visto-bueno-a-espacio-reservado-de-estacionamiento/
Pitillal riverside path will be extended all the way to the ocean. https://tribunadelabahia.com.mx/adecuaran-parque-lineal-playa-holi-62383
International Charro Tournament, a resounding success. https://contralinea.net/consolida-11o-torneo-internacional-charro-mas-de-20-mil-asistentes-e-importante-derrama-economica/
Did Mayor Michel forget to celebrate Constitution Day? https://tribunadelabahia.com.mx/ayuntamiento-olvida-fecha-civica-62386
January, a violent month for Jalisco when it comes to organized crime. https://www.notisistema.com/noticias/enero-mes-violento-reconoce-el-gobierno-estatal/
GDLUZ Festival 2023, Guadalajara’s amazing festival of lights, is coming back in a week. https://www.gdluz.mx/
FEBRUARY 23: My next lecture will be “Great Mexican Songs: Their composers, their performers, and their stories,” to take place at the Joint Coworking Hotel on Thursday, February 23, 5 – 6:30 pm. https://www.facebook.com/events/707982560861783/