We focus our attention on the ongoing rift between President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the press, and his ties with Vidanta Owner, Daniel Chávez Morán. PLUS, Perla Alarcón is at Barrio Bistro!
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From today’s broadcast:
Journalists have the moral obligation to publicly reveal their earnings, says AMLO. https://tribunadelabahia.com.mx/comunicadores-cuanto-ganan-amlo-53004
Questionable ties between AMLO and the Vidanta Group are brought to light. https://www.noticiaspv.com.mx/mcci-amlo-otorgo-concesiones-a-daniel-chavez-moran-de-grupo-vidanta/
It’s a catch! Local authorities relocate a 3.3-meter crocodile found near Los Tules. https://www.facebook.com/GobVallarta/posts/4851182011666501
Today is Mexican Inventor Day in Mexico, commemorating the birth of Guillermo González Camarena, who was the first to successfully create a color tv broadcast system. https://www.facebook.com/SecretariaCulturaMx/posts/4777770568979061
If you think Puerto Vallarta is the end-all-be-all of Jalisco’s tourism industry, think again: last year our city generated only 36% of the total state tourism-generated income. https://contralinea.net/puerto-vallarta-capto-el-36-de-la-derrama-economica-turistica-en-jalisco-en-2021/
Perla Alarcón, an extraordinary local singer-songwriter is now performing Wednesdays at Barrio Bistro! Check out some of her music on Spotify. https://open.spotify.com/artist/306jumQaVi7sW1kPkJmrV9
SURPRISE WALK: A Mini Walk Through Versalles!
We are back with our first walking tour after the left shoulder injury. We take a short loop around Versalles and Díaz Ordáz, highlighting some of our favorite restaurants along the way.
Here is the route we walked: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=14UePyO5Unvco0lfzh9dWlaZpsSCTRpne&usp=sharing
This walk will be available as a stand-alone video along with many others currently available in our Walking Tour YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcFZxeRyZHak7xI9uMiN8A7l1PQAt3XN7