Jalisco scores high with foreign investments. More video cameras are coming to city streets. The agenda for the North American Leader Summit is announced. We have awesome pics to share from two cluster members. PLUS: despite her busy schedule, Our Lady of Guadalupe gets around.
Welcome to Coffee & Headlines! Coffee & Headlines is a community-sponsored project produced by Paco Ojeda for Puerto Vallarta English-speaking locals.
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From today’s broadcast:
Jalisco scores high with foreign investors. https://contralinea.net/jalisco-de-nuevo-repunta-en-inversiones-extranjeras-en-el-sector-turistico/
More security cameras are coming to Puerto Vallarta. https://tribunadelabahia.com.mx/instalara-camaras-videovigilancia-61112
The most violents days in Mexico so far this year have been… https://tribunadelabahia.com.mx/19-diciembre-cuarto-dia-violento-61091
Foreign Chancellor Marcelo Ebrard announces North American Leader Summit agenda. https://www.informador.mx/mexico/Relaciones-exteriores-Estos-seran-los-temas-en-reunion-entre-Lopez-Obrador-y-Trudeau-20221220-0082.html
There is one beach in Mexico not suitable for swimming (fear not, it’s not in Jalisco). https://www.excelsior.com.mx/nacional/la-playa-de-rosarito-reprobada-por-cofepris-258-reciben-palomita/1559863
Our Lady of Guadalupe makes an appearance in a pot of beans, apparently. https://www.informador.mx/mexico/Virgen-de-los-Frijoles-Aparece-imagen-de-la-guadalupana-en-una-olla-en-Guerrero-FOTO-20221221-0034.html
Puerto Vallarta Coffee & Headlines • December 21, 2022
Jalisco scores high with foreign investments. More video cameras are coming to city streets. The agenda for the North American Leader Summit is announced. We have awesome pics to share from two cluster members. PLUS: despite her busy schedule, Our Lady of Guadalupe gets around.
Welcome to Coffee & Headlines! Coffee & Headlines is a community-sponsored project produced by Paco Ojeda for Puerto Vallarta English-speaking locals. Find answers to all your questions here: https://www.paco-ojeda.com/faq Did not find an answer to your question? Then kindly ask it here: https://paco-ojeda.com/contact/ Subscribe to our FREE weekly newsletter here: https://paco-ojeda.com/newsletter/ Did you learn something new and useful? Then consider supporting Coffee & Headlines here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ojedapaco
From today’s broadcast:
Jalisco scores high with foreign investors. https://contralinea.net/jalisco-de-nuevo-repunta-en-inversiones-extranjeras-en-el-sector-turistico/
More security cameras are coming to Puerto Vallarta. https://tribunadelabahia.com.mx/instalara-camaras-videovigilancia-61112
The most violents days in Mexico so far this year have been… https://tribunadelabahia.com.mx/19-diciembre-cuarto-dia-violento-61091
Foreign Chancellor Marcelo Ebrard announces North American Leader Summit agenda. https://www.informador.mx/mexico/Relaciones-exteriores-Estos-seran-los-temas-en-reunion-entre-Lopez-Obrador-y-Trudeau-20221220-0082.html
There is one beach in Mexico not suitable for swimming (fear not, it’s not in Jalisco). https://www.excelsior.com.mx/nacional/la-playa-de-rosarito-reprobada-por-cofepris-258-reciben-palomita/1559863
Our Lady of Guadalupe makes an appearance in a pot of beans, apparently. https://www.informador.mx/mexico/Virgen-de-los-Frijoles-Aparece-imagen-de-la-guadalupana-en-una-olla-en-Guerrero-FOTO-20221221-0034.html